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Here's A Recap On What You Might Have Missed From tinyBuild At E3 2021

E3 has been pretty busy this year, between Hades coming to console, Jack Sparrow coming to Sea of Thieves, and that crazy Redfall announcement, you may have been pre-occupied. And if you’re like me, you missed the fact that tinyBuild had some big announcements of their own. We got you covered though, so sit back, relax, and watch out for the neighbor!


Tinykin is a cute little 2D meets 3D title where’ll you’ll play as Milo as he works to get back to his home planet. You’ll use the tinykin and their unique powers to carry out his return home and get him back to normal size. I love the art style that the devs were able to pull off here. I’m seeing more and more devs embrace different ways of getting their games across in new visual ways and it’s so satisfying to see.

Coming in 2022!

Hello Neighbor 2

You already know what it is, and if you’re a fan of the series then you can’t wait to get back in the action. Hello Neighbor 2 once again will allow you to dig up the Neighbor’s creepy secrets. This time, the ante is upped as we learn that the Neighbor is controlled by an AI that learns how you play. As you play, his behavior will change and he will do his best to thwart your plans.


This new multiplayer arena shooter titled, RAWMEN pits up to 8 players against each other in a food fight for the ages. It’s an extremely cartoony game that has some really unique-looking game modes. This is definitely a title to keep your eye on if you’re someone looking for a new and silly game to play with your taste buds.

Coming to PC, PlayStation 4, PlayStation 5. Xbox One, and Xbox Series X|S this year!

Stay tuned as we continue to cover E3 and all of its epic announcements!