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Holiday Trailer For REMOTHERED: BROKEN PORCELAIN Shows Gameplay And Deaths

The second game in the Remothered game series was announced some time ago and since then fans have been anticipating some gameplay featuring the new location and enemies. This holiday season, Stormind Games and Darril Arts are delivering just that with their holiday trailer for Remothered: Broken Porcelain! In this trailer, we can see a few of the different deaths, learn of the new location being the Ashman Inn, and see some of the game in action.

After enjoying the first game, Tormented Fathers, so much, I have been looking forward to the second game to come out. It looks like they don’t plan to stick to a Steam launch like the first time though as the trailer alone features a PlayStation 4, Xbox One, and Nintendo Switch case cover as well. Now we just need to find out if this game is a prequel or a sequel to the first game and where it belongs on the timeline as well as what is the connection.

With the crazy storytelling style they have, I am sure it will be revealed in a way we aren’t expecting. Either way, I am looking forward to another intense game of hide-and-seek while being trapped inside a large building with crazed people roaming around. What do you think of the holiday trailer?