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Hooded Horse Showcase At PAX East 2022: Everything We Saw

Hooded Horse is a newer game publisher, engaging with indie developers and helping to release strategy, simulation, and role-playing games. For their showcase at PAX East 2022, Hooded Horse showcased 10 games that will be released this year, including 3 previously unannounced games. The entire video can be found below, but here are snapshots from each of the titles!

Old World

A 4x turn-based strategy game with roleplaying element, Old World is a title from Mohawk Games that I have already played and released a review on! You can check that out here. We saw Soren Johnson, the studio’s design director, speaking about the game and the upcoming expansion of Heroes Of The Aegean for the showcase. 6 new missions compose a campaign showing the unification of Greece, from the battle of Marathon to the conquests of Alexander the Great. This will be released to current owners of the game on the Epic Games Store and the upcoming versions on Steam and GoG releasing May 19th.

Sons of Valhalla

The first of the newly announced games, Sons of Valhalla is tagged as a strategy role-playing game in the form of a 2D side scroller. Developed by Pixel Chest, it follows the story of a son of a Jarl as he fights through England in the name of love and revenge. A combination of base builder and battler, players will build forts to protect their resources as they raise an army, craft siege weapons, and brutalize armies and outposts in search of their lost love. With some interesting fighting mechanics, the overarching strategical concept merged with the control of a single character, this will be one to keep an eye on as time goes on.

Falling Frontier

Upcoming indie strategy game and winner of E3 2021’s “Most Anticipated Indie Game” Award, Falling Frontier is being developed by solo developer Todd Darcey of Stutter Fox Studios. A sci-fi strategy game that mixes the close combat of real-time strategy ship battles and the overarching logistics and management of a solar system spanning grand-strategy game, Falling Frontier was one of my Top 10 Strategy Games to look forward to in 2022. With in-depth ship-design mechanics, excellent graphics, and exciting combat systems, this game will be something to look out for. The showcase had the developer talking us through some points of the game, as well as showcasing the gorgeous views and some more in-depth mechanics like crew management, tactical combat, and features of ship design and base building.


Another newly announced game, Espiocracy from Ex Vivo Studios is a grand-strategy game that puts players in charge of one of 74 possible intelligence agencies from the start of the cold war up to 2020. Influence world events in your favor as you deal with interrogations, events, launch proxy wars, and engage with other intelligence agencies and terrorists to defend your way of life and change the world. With not much to see at the moment, here is another game that got my attention and I will be paying close attention to its development as time goes on. The grand strategy genre has never really seen a game concept of this style, and if the developers can pull it off it will be huge for strategy gamers everywhere.

Fragile Existence

Another game with an interesting take on the strategy genre, Fragile Existence from Fragile Continuum is presenting itself as a survival rea-time strategy space game. Take command of the last human fleet (and the last humans in existence) and try to keep the torch of humanity burning as you are pursued by a terrifying world-ending threat. When Earth is lost, how will we band together in the face of such adversity to continue the survival of our species? Fragile Existence shows off the duality of exploring in space and engaging in space combat while sending units onto planet surfaces to farm resources and construct outposts. While this one looks like it will be complicated and most likely confusing and difficult, I cannot wait to get my hands on it as the year continues.

Capital Command

A new form of space simulation, Capital Command is the final new announcement and has players in charge of a capital ship as opposed to a nimble fighter. With deep simulation-like physics and combat, rolling and maneuvering your ship to slow speed, aiming correctly, or presenting a smaller target to enemies will be imperative to players’ survival. Destroying enemies will allow upgrades or replacements of damaged parts, and it looks like there will be the command of more than just a single ship as you get deeper into the game. Hellride Games is already deep in development and will be released later this year.

Way of Wrath

Forge your path to survival in this epic strategy RPG from Animmal. Way of Wrath follows the leader of a bronze age tribal chieftain as they try to prepare to face an enemy horde in 10 days. With a little for everyone, Way of Wrath features in-depth character relationships, intense survival mechanics, the option between turn-based combat or real-time with pause, and plenty of tasks and missions to keep you busy as you prepare to face your destiny when the time is up. Will you prepare and survive with your tribe, or will the snow cover what is left of your failed attempts? Find out when Way of Wrath releases later this year.

Fata Deum

The newest in the God-Game genre, Fate Deum gives players the power of the heavens as they watch humanity attempt to thrive. Play your way, and be the god you think the people deserve. 42 Bits Entertainment was inspired by the god-games of old to put players in the mind of a young god as they decide how they will act. Be benevolent and fun-loving, spreading joy and intoxication as you attempt to sway new followers, or be a dread god who brings out the madness in your followers and encourages acts of violence or demonic summoning. The choice is yours, and the living world will be shaped by your actions. Each of the other gods also commands a kingdom, and each will have its ways. Keep your worshipers loyal to you and convert the rest as you try to become the singular deity in Fate Deum

Alliance of the Sacred Suns

Another 4x grand strategy in space, but with an interesting twist. Instead of being the ruler of a fledgling nation, you inherit a crumbling space empire as the new Emperor/Empress and must make relationships, keep your people happy, and have a bit of self-care involved at the same time. Alliance of the Sacred Suns is different from the typical grand-strategy genre as players only manage their own person. Once they die, it’s game over so be sure to make your reign as glorious as possible. Swaying heads of opposing houses or pitting them against each other will cement your spot as ruler, and making sure the population of your empire is happy will keep them from trying to kill you. For the showcase, the lead developer at Kathawk Studio Steve Hawkins walked us through some of the big changes they have made since the game was last shown and gave some background on making your character and beginning the arduous task of managing the failing empire you now run.

Terra Invicta

The modders who made the Long War Mod for Xcom and Xcom 2 created a game studio, and their first project is more ambitious than anything they’ve done before. Terra Invicta sets Earth up in advance of an alien invasion, with the player taking command of one of the factions who all have their own ideas on how to react. Fight the aliens, unite humanity, or just make some money off the whole mess before you take your people to another system. Each faction has its own unique goal and gives players an entire workbench of tools to accomplish them. Sandbox in nature, Terra Invicta looks to be incredibly in-depth and complicated, with realistic physics systems for traveling in space and a long list of technologies to research before humanity can truly walk among the stars. Pavonis Interactive’s John Lumpkin walked us through some of the intricacies in the Terra Invicta showcase and definitely has us excited for what’s to come in the future of this game and the studio as a whole.

With so many games to talk about and such exciting trailers and gameplay footage, be sure to take a look at the Hooded Horse PAX East 2022 Showcase and let us know your thoughts below! You can find the entire Hooded Horse lineup on Steam, but expect full releases on GoG as well. Keep an eye on GameTyrant for all your favorite game news.