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Horror Franchises I Think Supermassive Games Could Turn Into Video Games

There have been numerous rumors circulating about Supermassive Games potentially developing a Scream (Ghostface) video game. While I cannot confirm the accuracy of these rumors, I must say that if there were a team I would choose to work on a renowned horror franchise video game, it would be Supermassive. It's worth noting that if they are indeed working on a Scream game, it is unlikely to be considered canon to the movies. These rumors have sparked my imagination, contemplating the possibilities and the potential quality of such a game. Additionally, I've been thinking about other horror franchises that I believe would lend themselves well to Supermassive's narrative-horror style. Here are five franchises that I would personally love to see Supermassive transform into narrative-driven games.

The Purge

The Purge was one of the most quickly overdone horror franchises that I have seen in a long time. Even with that, the first movie was a well done and unique idea. Frankly, I’m surprised after the first movie it wasn’t turned into a Five Nights at Freddy’s game, don’t get any ideas. But even with the over-the-top sequels I think Supermassive could turn any of the stories into a very good narrative horror. Whether it be following a family just trying to survive the night or it being The First Purge, trying to find ways to get safe in this all new situation. I think the way decisions impact their games makes The Purge a perfect franchise for them because it’s not just one person that is the big evil character, it could be anybody.

The Texas Chainsaw Massacre

From my very beginnings of exploring my favorite genre (Horror), The Texas Chainsaw Massacre has always been among my favorites, if not my absolute favorite. Bubba Sawyer or ‘Leatherface’ is easily my favorite franchise slasher villain though. While there was just recently a Texas Chainsaw Massacre game, it’s not exactly the type of game I’m talking about.

Texas Chainsaw would make an interesting Supermassive game because there’s a lot more to the Sawyer family than you might think. I think that it would be a really interesting point-of-view shift for Supermassive to do a narrative horror from the killers POV. Showing the side of Texas Chainsaw Massacre we don’t see. They could explore the horrid cannibal Sawyer family from the inside out and allow you to capture victims or fail your quick times and let them escape.

Evil Dead

Remember how I said that Texas Chainsaw was ONE of my favorite horror franchises? Well, The Evil Dead is the reason I can’t just put TCM at the top. Evil Dead 2013 and Evil Dead Rise are easily some of the best horror movies to release in recent years. That being said I would absolutely love to see Supermassive turn this gore-fest of a franchise into a delightfully cheesy 1980s style narrative horror. The original trilogy, The Evil Dead, The Evil Dead II, and Army of Darkness would piece together perfectly as a video game series. Following Bruce Campbell as Ash Williams into the cabin where they find the Nerconomicon and wake the dead. We’ve already seen that Supermassive can bring actors to life with Will Poulter.


Maybe it’s because there was just a new movie that was released and it’s fresh on my brain but Saw could make a great narrative horror even just as a one off. But I think this would be the easiest one to turn into a video game for Supermassive.

The game that I’m picturing would play out like any Saw movie having multiple victims working together trying to solve each trap, but failing at quick time events would cost you dearly. Another perspective that could work for this game is from the perspective of a detective, though I don’t think this would work as well since we already know it’s John Kramer.

Jurassic Park

One thing that is forgotten is that Jurassic Park is technically a horror movie. While it evolves into more of an adventure series, at it’s core it’s supposed to be scary. One thing that I’ve always wanted was a well made dinosaur horror game, and who better to do it that Supermassive! I think the only thing this game could struggle with is making decisions that impact the story. I’m not really sure how to fit this in other than accidentally letting dinosaurs escape or simply killing people off, but I think Jurassic Park done right could be really scary.

Do you think any of these would make good narrative based horror games? What else do you think would translate well?