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BlizzCon 2019: My Faith Restored In The Diablo Series




1. complete trust or confidence in someone or something.

Campfire of Faith

Faith. A word that is used is so many different contexts world wide whether it be faith in one’s partner, spouse, friend, co-worker, Diety or even in an idea or spark of ingenuity. After gaming for over 35 years, the Diablo series is my favorite series of all time with ARPGs being my fave genre as well. After BlizzCon 2018, my faith in the Diablo series as a whole, was at an all time low. There is no reason to rehash the events of that weekend or the split feelings on Diablo III as an entry in the series but I was among many globally who despite many reassurances that “multiple Diablo projects are in the works”, just couldn’t see the sunlight past the cloudy and unsure present.

This year, I went to BlizzCon with faith. Arriving at 7am, then standing in line for an unannounced demo in the Diablo section, I waited with baited breath for several hours, I believe I was number 7 in the demo line. The red LED lights in the demo PCs teased me with their fickle flames. Within minutes of the BlizzCon 2019 opening ceremonies, my doubts began to dissipate, the sun burst forth and clouds began to part…

Unreal. Spectacular. Terrifying. Perfect. Those are just a few of the words that fail at describing the incredible announce Diablo IV cinematic after a stellar countdown from 30… to a red FOUR that unfolded before my and the worlds eyes. Can we all just agree here and now that the Cinematic team at Blizzard has no equal? I believe the BlizzCon 2019 cinematcs shown are the pinnacle of the medium and for this lowly geek, were sheer and absolute joy. I haven’t cheered that loud in a very, very long time. I have much more to say about the cinematic genius at Blizzard but I will save that for another time, another piece. Just when I thought it couldn’t get any more stunning, the gameplay trailer was shown and that sealed the deal for me as the screens were powered on the Diablo IV demo machines and my excitement shot through the roof. My withered faith was starting to blossom into something palpable.

A simple campfire. A dark night sky.A brooding, muscular Barbarian, mischievous and bulging Druid and a slender Sorceress. The excitement level just staring at the character selection screen had reached a fever pitch. For me, the easy choice of mysterious eyed Sorceress with no tool tips, no class summary or tutorial. This simple scene was so powerful after so much hype, speculation and even doubt. After clicking on my character of choice, I was immediately thrust into the world of Diablo IV and the smile across my face was ear to ear. The demo was dark, gritty, Gothic; the perfect throwback the team described. Once again, I will save my detailed impressions and suggestion for another piece but suffice it to say, I played the demo over ten times at BlizzCon. I completed every quest, every dungeon, played all classes, read every line od dialogue and explored every inch of the presented world.. Spells and melee attacks looked and FELT amazing. Lights from fireballs danced off the dungeon walls. Beasts both small and large, were smashed and sizzled at my fingertips. Even after 10 playthroughs, I thirsted for more, the spark of faith in Diablo was quickly turning into a dancing flame of hope.

A Mobile Masterpiece

Diablo: Immortal and it’s ill-timed reveal was the source of many temporarily losing their faith. Sure, I played the Immortal demo multiple times at BlizzCon 2018 and while it was good, it just felt a bit, misplaced. I am pleased to say, that after spending quality time with the latest build of Immortal, it is looking to be a mobile masterpiece. Once again, this is a huge improvement of the previous demo and a perfect companion to Diablo IV and the series as a whole. The level of polish, the stunning graphics, and surprisingly good controls were a very pleasant surprise. The game just felt RIGHT and meaty, with Diablo III-esque feel but improved with it’s own confident identity. There was more atmosphere and depth in my long session as a Wizard than 10 mobile games combined. In general, I am hesitant to steer into many mobile titles for being so shallow but if the latest Immortal build is any indication, I will be going in full speed, head on.

Details in Humanity

In the end, I was able to catch a few moments of different Diablo: Immortal and Diablo IV dev team members time and attention. After marveling at the stunning details of the characters, as show above in the Barbarian from the DIV demo, as I sat and spoke with the real humans behind these gaming experiences, I realized that is what it was all about. To see their passion, their commitment, and that despite the quick judgments and sometimes overwhelming toxicity that exists in the gaming community, they keep plugging forward, with faith, that their games will excite and please those who consume it.

Sometimes these same people are thrown up on stage to be the face of all Blizzard, to step into the sometimes uncomfortable spotlight, putting years of effort out for those to analyze, criticize and at times, punish them for circumstances out of their control. The ultimate shooting of the messenger that in most cases are not fair, especially with the astounding progress and current state of Immortal.

After being exhausted in the best of ways at the end of BlizzCon 2019, I was satisfied. I felt complete. Despite my sometimes lack of patience in a “I want it now” society, my faith was completely restored in the Diablo series. Seeing the details in humanity in the people behind these projects not only in their demos and displayed work but in their faces, their words and expressions of excitement, passion and zeal. That is what makes all these ups and downs, these peaks and valleys, all worth it in the end.