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HumbleBundle Offers Massive Stand With Ukraine Charity Bundle

Easily one of the most generous, massive, and inclusive bundles I have ever seen is currently being offered over at HumbleBundle right now and 100% of the proceeds are going to Ukraine humanitarian relief efforts. This bundle is called the Stand With Ukraine bundle and it has a “pay-what-you-want” offer!

With a value of $2,572 USD, the lowest offer being accepted is $40 USD, but you can, of course, pay what you want. This bundle features over 120 pieces of content, including a variety of games, fantasy books, GameMaker Studio 2 Creator (12 months), Music Maker EDM Edition, RPG Maker VX, and Polygon game dev assets.

The statement made with this bundle offer says, “The violent and unlawful invasion in Ukraine is taking a tragic toll—displacing people, devastating families, and creating an urgent need for food, water, supplies, shelter, and safety. To help out how we can, we’ve joined forces with game creators, book publishers, and software makers around the globe for a bundle 100% dedicated to supporting the victims and refugees from Ukraine during this crisis.”

If you were looking for a way to donate to the Ukrainian humanitarian efforts, here’s your prime opportunity!