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ICYMI - TERRORBANE Hits Digital Storefronts Next Week!

Gearing up to start the month of April right is BitNine Studio and WhisperGames with their latest creation, tERRORbane. A game that decides to embrace bugs and glitches, tERRORbane is a comedic adventure title where players will be allowed to dive into a quirky and kooky world filled with fourth-wall-breaking humor.

Players will oftentimes find the game poking at them with jokes and berating them as they try and collect as many bugs as possible. Though this isn’t your grandpa’s RPG. tERRORbane was nominated for Best Original Game at the Gamescom 2021 Awards for its unique take on the genre, themes, and story. The story jumps across the timeline of RPGs with homages to classics like Final Fantasy I-VII, Super Mario Bros, and The Legend of Zelda.

Helping you along your journey as the Terrorbane; savior of the world and destroyer of bugs and glitches is the game’s Developer. The Developer is the game’s “creator” and will guide the story with running commentary throughout the journey. The world is shaped by the player and replays of levels will lead to even more discovery than before.

Features List:

  • Experience a meta-narrative adventure where you shape the story

  • Meet The Developer: a fourth-wall-breaking character that acts as both a narrator and an antagonist within the game.

  • Discover hilarious bugs and glitches, which can be seen in the bug list menu

  • Relive iconic (bug-filled) moments in video game history

  • Multiple playthroughs invite you to discover as many bugs as possible and find every branching path.

tERRORbane releases for Nintendo Switch and PC on April 1st. Players can wishlist the game on Steam now as well as try out its hilarious demo.