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Impressive BLACK DESERT MOBILE Shows How Far We've Really Come

Mobile Beauty

Generally, I find most mobile games to flashy yet shallow affairs. Sure, they are great for a moment on the toilet or before bedtime but for me, most titles lose their appeal after just a few play sessions. With this context, it was a huge surprise to see BLACK DESERT MOBILE launch at all but then to have it so robust, deep, and more impressive than any mobile game before it. Yes, it’s that good.

The character creator alone is more in depth than most console/PC titles..

Even while downloading the 2+ gigs of data for the game on IOS or Android, you can play a simple yet fun mini game that unlocks in game goodies while you wait. So simple but so polished and well done. In fact, it seems that this mobile offering is the most polished thing Pearl Abyss has done and it just launched! After a gorgeous and deep character creation, you are thrust right into the game and the graphics are… insane. You can even go native resolution and full 60 FPS on iPhone XR with a warning your device may overheat. To have a game running this detailed at 60 FPS is truly stunning and show’s how far we’ve really come.

Character designs and voice acting are incredibly impressive..

While the early questing is far from deep, the action, spells, huge world and amazing graphics are more than well worth your time if you the least bit interested in ARPG/MMORPG games. While I am still just scratching the surface of this surprisingly immense game, I am intrigued, especially to see how the true MMORPG elements really translate when it comes to dungeons, massive bosses, etc. Regardless, truly, I am impressed with Black Desert Mobile and actually, can’t wait to play more. It’s available now FREE for IOS and Android.