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Indie Gem DEEP ROCK GALACTIC Hits 10 Million Total Players

Care for a drink?

If anyone would have asked me back in 2018 if I thought a game about intergalactic mining space dwarves would obtain 10 million players in its lifetime, I would ask which brew did you drink at the Abyss Bar and order me two. Deep Rock Galactic had recently launched on PS4 and PS5 for the first time this month via PS Plus subscription service. Millions of players have downloaded the game and began their dark descent into the depths of Hoxxes IV.

This was a great move from the studio, fostering a huge new player base. This is fantastic news for any fan of the game since this gives developers, Ghost Ship Games, 10 million reasons to continue updating the game with new content. Currently, Deep Rock Galactic is on its first free Battle Pass Season with Season 2 coming sometime this Spring.

Keep your pickaxe close and your Cryo Cannon closer.

For those of you who may not have tried this golden nugget just yet, Deep Rock Galactic is a four-player co-op shooter. You and three dwarves explore the dark caves of an alien planet, all whilst collecting precious minerals and resources for your corporate mining company. Alien threats lurk in the darkness, and they typically attack in hordes. Each dwarf can select different classes with different builds and abilities to help your team complete your mission and survive. Caves are randomly generated, creating a unique experience for every game session. It truly is a great co-op shooter with loose inspiration from Left 4 Dead and a bit of Minecraft thrown in there.

Deep Rock Galactic is a prime example of how to take an idea from early access and perfect it with your fanbase. The dwarven demigods at Ghost Ship Games have set a golden standard on how to treat your early access “backers” and evolve your game into something truly amazing. Deep Rock Galactic has come a long way since its early access launch in 2018 and has evolved into a fully packaged product that most AAA titles dream of having.

So, congratulations Ghost Ship Games on your new milestone and achievements! Now we need cross-play enabled across PC, Xbox, and PlayStation so dwarves from all over can commence in intergalactic corporate mining together.