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INFERNAX First Impressions: A Solid New Side-Scroller

Demo Code Provided by Berzerk Studio

As the unending love for retro side-scrollers of a bygone era lives on, so do games trying to recapture that love. Berzerk Studio and The Arcade Crew’s, Infernax is the latest title to try and bring back that authentic retro feel whistle adding their own flair to remind players that new can be good too.

Just from the short demo I was able to play, thanks to Berzerk, I’m extraordinarily excited to get even more of the game upon release. Infernax is as fun to play as it is to say, and its baddies are quite tough to slay.


Harkening back to the true pioneers of retro gaming, Infernax is first and foremost a Metroidvania title. Featuring towns to explore, caves to maneuver, and even dungeons to bob and weave your way through. Movement is smooth, making positioning yourself against enemies an easy feat.

The game is as difficult as you’d expect but never to the point where it’s unfair. It’s more of a simplicity in difficulty where the fault really is on you as a player. Getting too close to an enemy or not recognizing its pattern can put you into quite a bit of trouble.

Though, the game rewards you for paying attention to enemy patterns, giving you easy openings when the time is right. I never felt a boss was too difficult and the progression of difficulty actually felt gradual through each encounter. It was naturally effective. It makes me wish that more games of the actual era it emulates would’ve been a bit more like that.

There are some great flourishes that Berzerk tosses into the game though such as the save spots which work in a similar fashion to Dark Souls’ bonfires. Here, you can save, heal yourself, and even upgrade three different stats. There are also shops to check out as well which give you the chance to grab better armors and the like.


I’d love to see more of the skills, weapons, armors, and mana used. While I was able to upgrade mana in the demo, I wasn’t able to use it. I’d love to see how it actually comes into play while fighting. My hope is that it’s a ranged attack of sorts as I found the main attack that the game lets you use to be a bit on the shorter side.

Another thing I’d like to see more of in the full game is the side quests that were lightly expressed in what I had played. It adds a lot to the whole Metroidvania vibe as a whole. Going along with that, I’d really like to see what else they have up their sleeve as far as level design goes too. It’s a clean and beautiful game so I’m really excited for more.


Infernax is a game that shocked me. I was expecting yet another run-of-the-mill copycat of a beloved era and was blown away by a taste of a re-invention. Berserk has caught my eye for the full release, hoping that they take things even further. This is the exact thing that I needed in my gaming life. All retro gamers should have their ears perked up for this one.