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Innovative Tech Brings Life To BEYOND HUMANITY: COLONIES

As Kickstarter continues to be a successful model for board game development, massive tabletop adventures have launched with highly detailed miniatures and monstrous boxes. Gloomhaven and others have proven that gamers are willing to pay handsomely for immersive experiences and breathtaking design.

But Beyond Humanity: Colonies might overshadow all of its predecessors with a remarkable fusion of Euro-style strategy and American-style aesthetics. But that doesn’t do the game justice. Three Headed Monster has designed a hybrid game that combines classic tabletop components with electronic modules, RFID technology, smart cards, and a companion app. And that tech will alleviate the complexity and strategical burden of the dense game by interacting with players on a visual and nuanced level that has not been seen before.

If you’re wondering what the game is about, Beyond Humanity: Colonies is a hybrid, semi-cooperative board game for 1 to 5 players. You will be building and expanding a human colony on an alien planet. And the companion app will work to communicate the status of your colony. Three Headed Monster, though, has programmed the app to enhance the tabletop experience and not detract from gameplay. The integration of technology with traditional board game design is revolutionary.

We’ve encountered a lot of board games over the years, but Beyond Humanity: Colonies is attempting something really special here. The Kickstarter campaign has already surpassed its goal five times over, but the 30-day window is still open. If you’re interested in this crazy board game, you’ve still got time to back the project.

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