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Interview: SURVIVE THE NIGHTS Will Weigh On Your Morals For Survival

A consistent threat of zombies in a game is starting to become less repetitive and more innovative! With games like Dead Alliance and now Survive the Nights by a2z Interactive, the way we used to play with zombies is changing and plans to launch early access this summer on Steam!

In Survive the Nights you will be faced with zombie attacks while trying to set yourself up with a living location for your player! The sandbox map will let you traverse the land and find homes, other players, make moral decisions that will later affect you, and many other aspects that go into survival a land full of danger!

This will be a game that lets you do anything you want; from being a bad guy that kills everyone and everything, looting all supplies and destroying your conscience to being a survivalist that hordes supplies and teams up with a select few people!

After learning of this games existence and seeing some of the trailer and gameplay footage, I had a few questions that I was able to ask Joseph Ciappa from the development team regarding the upcoming game.

Interview with Ciappa

Will this be a sandbox or story based style game?
"The game is a survival driven sandbox with zombies being the main threat."

What kind of multiplayer options will there be?
"There’s no mode in game, servers will be PVP along with PVE."

How many maps will be available on launch?
"Black Island is our only map at the moment. It stands at around 64 square kilometers and has been designed by hand. We plan to expand to future islands, but that’s something for later on in development."

How long has it been in development?
"The current build has been in development for around two and a half years."

Do you plan to focus on PvP options?
"PVP will be a part of STN, but it’s not the main focus. The zombies will be the main threat to the player, ideally you’ll not have much time to consider shooting others. There’s a rather unique mental health aspect to the game. Abusing players and KOS mentality will be punished. You can still play the bad guy, but you’ll need to work a bit harder for it. The eventual end result of poor mental health will be forced suicide."

Will there be in game enemies?

What type of problems should players plan to prepare to face?
"There are only 6 of us on the team, our only experience with game development of any kind is what we’ve learned as a team over the last 3 years. This initial release will be very buggy, there are going to be massive issues that can’t be found with such a small team. Our current backers will be receiving keys shortly and basically become our extended test subjects. Once we have a somewhat polished and enjoyable game we’ll move forward and release publicly on Steam."

Check out the Trailer: 

I look forward to trying this game out myself and seeing how I find my way to survival the treacherous world of undead and free for all scavengers!

You can get your hands on Survive the Nights now and play the moment it launches via Humble Bundle, or just follow the development on Discord, Facebook, Twitter, or check out their own Forums.