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Jeff Kaplan Says Toxic Behavior Slowing OVERWATCH Development

The Overwatch community may not be as toxic as some other communities, but things are getting bad enough that Blizzard's Jeff Kaplan says it's slowing the game's growth. 

"The rising tide of toxicity or bad behavior in the game versus what are we Blizzard going to do about it and what are we as a community together going to do about it...the bad behavior is not just ruining the experience for one another but the bad behavior is actually making the game progress at a much slower rate."

Kaplan goes on to say that because Blizzard has been forced to spend more time handling bad player behavior and responding to the reporting system regardless of whether or not the claims are valid. This keeps the Overwatch team busy and gives them less time to create characters, maps, or things of that nature.  Kaplan asked those who play the game to look inward and try to make a better experience for everyone for the good of the game. 

Check out Kaplan's plea in the full video below and let us know if you think the community is as bad as he says: 

Source: Eurogamer