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Konami Takes Down P.T. PC REMAKE, But Offered The Developer An Internship

We all know the story of Konami's canceled PT game, and how it devastated fans who were hyped for it. However, a fan project that aimed to bring PT to the PC has been forced to cancellation by Konami. As a consolation though, the studio offered the developer of the remake an internship at Konami. 

17-year-old Qismar developed the project entitled PT for PC. So far, his iteration of the canceled title looks impressive and is almost finished. However, in an unfortunate but inevitable turn of events, Konami stepped into the picture and demanded a cancelation of the project due to "legal issues." 

Qismar then revealed that Konami offered him an internship, which will give him the opportunity to work with the studio's EU, US, and Japanese offices. Not only that, but Konami will also give Qismar some merch and video games. 

It seemed that Qismar is taking the situation pretty well as he mentioned in an update that the only reason Konami intervened was due to "legal issues." He then shared that people at Konami loved his remake. 

In the end, Qismar was, of course, disappointed with the cancellation of his project. However, he is still thankful to Konami saying that:

 "I realize I should actually be pretty thankful that mine was chosen to be the one to get taken down because if it were someone else's, then I would still be just chilling in my home with no idea on what I want to do in the future and whatnot."