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Kung Fu Is Just The Beginning In SIFU

Take to the streets of a fictional Chinese city, littered with neon lights and shady characters. After the merciless murder of your parents, it is up to you, a skilled Kung Fu student to hunt down the assassins one by one and gain your deserved vengeance. Sifu blends the fluidity and blood-pumping action of beat-em-ups with the stunning visuals of an artistically crafted 3D action game.

Developed by Sloclap who brought us the incredible Absolver, Sifu steps up the moment to moment fighting gameplay we fell in love with and shows just how diverse these environments and situations can be. Wanting to evolve their real-time martial arts-based combat system, Sloclap seems to have pulled out all the stops with Sifu, not only allowing players to take control of their kung fu fists but also use benchtops, baseball bats, and glass bottles. On the path to discovering the truth behind your parents’ murder, you bring along your kung fu skills and magic pendant.

The pendant will be your key to avenging their deaths as it allows you to tap into mysterious magic. Although powerful, this magic is to be used with the utmost caution for it drains the very time from your life span. Death it seems will age you after every resurrection. Time is of the essence but is still a price you’re willing to pay. We can’t wait to delve into this neon-lit city and beat the truth out of the criminal underworld.

Sifu will be coming soon to PS4, PS5, and Epic Games Store in 2021.