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Latest Dev Diary For ENDZONE - A WORLD APART Highlights Importance Of Food Supply

Post-apocalyptic city-builder, Endzone - A World Apart launches later this Spring through Steam Early Access. In an effort to keep the community engaged, publisher Assemble Entertainment and developer Gentlymad Studios have been dropping sneak peeks of the highly anticipated title, the most recent of which is the developer diary highlighting the food supply aspect of the game.

You can check that out here.

A functioning food supply is a must have in order to ensure the longevity of any civilization, especially in Endzone. The player’s food supply is key to the survival of their community, and any minor missteps or hiccups will result in harsh punishment that can and will affect your long-term gameplay. To go along with that, a lack of variety in the menu can have devastating effects on a settlement as poor nutrition can lead to sickness and an early death.

For more information regarding Endzone: A World Apart, be sure to follow Assemble Entertainment on TwitterInstagram, and Facebook.