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Leading Mobile Publishing Team GAMIGO Celebrates Planting Over 111,000 Trees

Over the past month, one of the leading online and mobile game publishing teams has partnered with the Eden Reforestation Project. This team is Gamigo and they have kicked off June with a celebration of already reaching a total of 111,111 trees being replanted thanks to their charity efforts between their players and their employees! With even more good news, they also ask the question, “why stop there?

Just this last month, players have purchased from their various packages and raised $94,000, or 94,000 trees with Gamigo contributing themselves to push the number to surpass 111,000. Each deal basically provides in-game goodies for players while dedicated to planting a tree per dollar spent. The packages offered are $1.99 with 2 trees planted, $9.99 with 10 trees planted, or $19.99 with 20 trees planted. Fans were inspired even further by Gamigo creating leader boards to show how many trees each community has funded and how many players have taken part.

If you are interested in pushing the numbers further with this month’s continued partnership, be sure to check out the Gamigo x Eden Reforestation website. There you can find the various packages and titles they can be applied to, the leader boards, and more details about this partnership.