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Mana Project Studio Unleashes Lovecraftian Horrors In New Kickstarter RPG ELDER MYTHOS

Mana Project Studio, known for their innovative tabletop RPG designs such as the Cowboy Bebop Roleplaying Game and Nightfell, unveiled their latest creation: Elder Mythos. This Lovecraftian Horror tabletop roleplaying game plunges players into the shoes of none other than the Elder Gods themselves.

The Kickstarter campaign for Elder Mythos kicked off with a bang, surpassing its funding goal within a mere 18 minutes and garnering over $13,000 from more than 150 eager backers.

In Elder Mythos, players are presented with a tantalizing array of 12 Elder Gods to embody, from the infamous Cthulhu, The Great Dreamer, to the enigmatic Yog-Sothoth, known as The Key and The Gate. Each Elder God offers a unique and spine-chilling journey, with players delving into their dark desires and disturbing objectives.

The gameplay is a masterful blend of strategy and horror, as players manipulate cultists, summon nightmarish creatures, and command priestly figures of immense power. These entities serve as expendable pawns in your quest to weave a web of terror and chaos, all against the backdrop of looming catastrophes and dire consequences.

But beware, for in this world of eldritch power struggles, betrayal lurks around every corner. Your fellow players are not just adversaries; they are potential usurpers, vying to outwit and outmaneuver you at every turn. Can you maintain control amidst the swirling madness, or will you fall victim to your own ambitions?

Elder Mythos promises an immersive experience unlike any other, where players can revel in the thrill of being the ultimate cosmic horror. Dive into the Kickstarter campaign now to secure your copy of this spine-chilling tabletop RPG and unleash your inner Elder God!