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Map Editor For SKATER XL Comes To Console

After releasing the DIY Map Editor Alpha on the PC version of their game, Easy Day Studios has announced that they have brought it to both PlayStation 4 and Xbox One. This means that regardless of which platform you enjoy your well-reviewed sandbox skateboarding sessions in Skater XL on, you can now customize the map around you.

Players may now place, move, and delete skateable objects on maps for both single and multiplayer game modes. From laying down ramps to filming your own custom lines to creating elaborate obstacle courses live with online friends, this DIY Map Editor provides freedom of skating expression and creativity like never before.

To access the mode on consoles, players must enable the ‘DIY Map Editor Alpha’ from the game’s Settings Menu. Once in-game, push and hold the Triangle button (PS4) or Y button (Xbox One) to enter the DIY Map Editor from the Main Menu. It’s that easy to begin setting up the perfect skating zones!