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MARIO STRIKERS: BATTLE LEAGUE Overview Trailer Breaks Down New Features

After a busy day of indie game announcements at yesterday’s Indie World Showcase, Nintendo has now shared some more information on one of their upcoming first-party titles. Mario Strikers: Battle League received a new overview trailer today that outlines many of the game’s systems, including the new equipment system, Team Tackles, and social features like multiplayer and club competitions.

For the first time in the Mario Strikers series, players will be able to customize each character according to their own playstyle. Different pieces of equipment will alter each character’s base stats, improving things like resistance to enemy tackles and shooting power when kicking the ball at the goal. Team Tackles allow players to dive into their team members for a ridiculous speed boost, making them an integral part of any well-synergized squad.  

The final subject this new trailer covered was multiplayer features, including the new Strikers Club mode. Up to eight players can play on a single Nintendo Switch system for maximum chaos on the pitch, while two players can team up on a single system and dive into online matches against friends or people from around the world.

The Strikers Club is a robust, online-only mode that allows players to form a club and compete with other clubs to earn special promotions. Each club can customize its own uniform and stadium, and reaching new ranks will unlock new field layout options. Up to 20 players can join a single club, and Strikers Club matches can be played either with other club members or solo.

Mario Strikers: Battle League will launch on June 10th, 2022, exclusively for the Nintendo Switch. For more on Mario Strikers: Battle League, check out our coverage of the game’s debut trailer from the February 2022 Nintendo Direct.