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MARSUPILAMI - HOOBADVENTURE Review: A Classically Designed Adventure

Nintendo Switch Review Code Provided by Microids

With the constant flow of game development, it’s rare that a team looks back on great games in a sense more than inspiration for their own title. This has led to a mix of great and terrible games over the years, but I always find that the closer the developers can get to their original inspiration, the better the game turns out. Luckily, when it comes to Marsupilami - Hoobadventure from Ocellus Studio and Microids, they did a good job following the play styles of classic games from my childhood.


After opening a cursed sarcophagus while playing with debris on a beach, this trio of Marsupilami friends accidentally release a mysterious ghost that puts a terrible curse on all animals. Fortunately for them, the Marsupilamis are immune. Our three heroes will have to go on an adventure and chase the ghost in order to ward off the spell.


Levels are laid out in a similar fashion that can be found in classic Donkey Kong Country games. You have your overworld where you select the levels, unlocking more of the pathway as you complete levels, and then there are secret areas that can be unlocked with collectibles found in the levels. However, the amount of hits you can take is shown by the number of hearts on the screen in this game.

When it comes to controls, you have a good set to work with. You can only run one speed, but if you do your spin attack repeatedly then you can move faster. Spinning forward before jumping will also make you leap further than a regular jump. Other than that and the expected jumping, wall jumping, and bouncing off enemies heads, you will also be able to grapple with certain objects. It will either be a bird that will shoot you forward like a cannon or a ring that can either be held on to or used once as a tool to throw yourself upwards.

The levels themselves are broken up into three types. The most used version is the standard level where you have to go through a complicated set of challenges that include enemies and platforming. Then there are the Dojo levels, which are basically platforming challenge levels. And, of course, the boss level at the end of each section where you have to keep moving forward as you chase the ghost down until you eventually grab him at the end.

As you make your way through the levels, there are a few collectibles to grab as you progress. Mainly, you can collect fruit which will provide an extra life for every 100 pieces collected. Then there are feathers that can be collected, typically by finding where they are hidden or skillfully reaching where they are placed in the level. Every level also has a hidden Dojo level in it that is going to be a harder version of the Dojo levels you will find on the overworld map. On top of this, there are extra hearts and lives that can be found in some breakable boxes and objects.

Collecting feathers will unlock alternate levels that can be played. These levels act as a slightly harder level than the rest and have all the collectibles that a standard level will have. They aren’t needed to be completed to finish the game.

Completing Dojo levels, whether hidden or from the overworld, will give a ticket. These tickets can be used at special levels are literally just full of fruit to collect. It is a way to gain a bunch of lives when you are low. Once you use tickets on a level, the price to re-enter that special level will double.

Audio and Visuals

Both the graphical quality and the musical score of this game gave off a relaxing atmosphere while being fitting to the environment. The mix of cartoon-style art and vacation-style music was a great blend for a game designed and targeted for kids getting into the platforming genre. I would say that it all provided a similar sense to when I first played through the Donkey Kong series on the SNES.


After every level is beaten, there is a time trial mode unlocked for it. Aiming to complete this game in full would provide plenty of replayability to it as every level will need to be beaten again, only faster. Not to mention that finding all of the feathers and dojo levels are going to take a bit of exploring as I actually ended up missing quite a few during my initial playthrough.

What Could Be Better

The game is pretty short overall. While the levels themselves are a fairly good length and take a few minutes to get through each, especially if you attempt to fully explore it, but the amount of levels in the game seems to lack a bit. It doesn’t help that the number of zones to play through is also rather short. I would definitely have preferred a longer game.


Marsupilami - Hoobadventure plays like a modern-day classic! As I was playing this game, it just felt like I was playing a new title from the classic Donkey Kong series. They did a great job creating a new game with a similar atmosphere and play style that many of today’s gamers grew up playing. While the game is a bit short in my opinion, it is still a title I would recommend to anybody looking for a new game to get their kids or young family members into the world of platforming titles!