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Microsoft First Party Titles Will Ship Cross Generation For At Least A Year After Xbox Series X Launch

Traditionally, a new console generations mean investing in new hardware, controllers, games, and ecosystem. With the Series X though, Microsoft seems deeply committed to fulfilling its promise of gaming without generations. Xbox One controllers will work on the Series X and Xbox Series X controllers will work on the Xbox One. The Series X will be compatible with 4 Xbox generations of games. And now, Matt Booty, Head of Xbox Game Studios, has gone on record with MCV to confirm that multi-generation games will roll out for both the Xbox One Family and Series X so those unable to upgrade this holiday season won’t get left behind.

Now don’t think this means that games won’t take advantage of the power that Microsoft is putting behind the Series X. The company sounds like it is still committed to bringing its A-game to the new hardware and showcasing all the things it will be capable of.

I am really digging Microsoft’s approach to next gen more and more everyday. Honestly I keep expecting Microsoft to announce that the Xbox One X is going to their next gen entry level hardware. It won’t happen due to the Jaguar CPU being a POS but it would still be an awesome move to see. Either way, I am glad to see that I, and many others, won’t lose access to certain titles just because of an inability to upgrade to the latest and greatest.