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Microsoft's E3 Schedule Is Set!

Shortly after last years reveal that Sony would be skipping out on 2019’s E3, Microsoft let it be know that they would still be at the show. Not only that, they stated that it would be their biggest show ever! Now we are about 2 months out from from E3 2019 and there have been many announcements from companies such as EA and Ubisoft letting people know what to expect from their outings. Now Microsoft has revealed that it will once again lead off the annual trade show with a conference set for June 9 at 1PM PT/4 PM ET.

The Xbox Conference will be available to watch live on the official Xbox Mixer channel as well as several unannounced platforms. Several promises have been made to showcase new games that will be released in 2019 and in depth looks at other announced titles! Chances are good that we will get to see new details on the likes of Gears 5, Halo Infinite and the next Forza title. Previous rumors have also suggested that the reveal of Xbox Scarlett will also take place during the event. With Sony recently revealing a little bit about their next gen plans it would make sense for Microsoft to follow suit.

I would also expect to hear more from the new studios that Microsoft acquired during last years show to make a presense at this years E3. Undead Labs, Ninja Theory, Obsidian Entertainment, Compulsion Games, Playground Games and The Initiative are all strong contenders for amazing first party reveals! I would also expect to hear more about Microsoft’s cloud gaming initiative Project X-Cloud. Maybe we can finally hear some solid info about the service and even a price and release date! Thankfully the show is only a couple of months away so the wait won’t be to long to see all the good surprises!