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MORTAL KOMBAT 1 Is Attempting To Gather An A-List Voice Acting Cast

Just as you think there’s nothing more that they could possibly announce for Mortal Kombat 1, NetherRealm Studios and Warner Bros Games are doing their due diligence to keep the content announcements flowing. This particular announcement comes in the form of Megan Fox.

Along with other games such as Baldur's Gate 3, voice acting has become more and more prominent in gaming and I think that is a huge appeal to me. While there are plenty of talented voice actors out there that have performed and given us many games to remember without the use of A-List actors and actresses it’s a pleasant and always welcomed surprise to hear a voice we recognize from the silver screen.

Fox is coming into the Mortal Kombat universe as Nitara. Which is very fitting because Fox has portrayed a vampire a couple of different times. She also claims to identify with them. In the video at the bottom of this article you can see Fox talk about the reasons she wanted to have a role in this game, she claims to have grown up playing Mortal Kombat which I think is pretty cool! It’s interesting to see how some of these big names grew up playing the same things we did. Even the ones you would least expect, it makes you think who else we might see show up on this voice acting cast, I’m sure Warner Bros has some connections.

Mortal Kombat 1 will be available on September 19th for PC via Steam and Epic Games Store, Xbox Series X|S, PlayStation 5, and Nintendo Switch.