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Muse – Not Just Inspiration For Art Anymore

Okay guys I know what you’re thinking not another VR peripheral. The answer is yes, and so much more.  Muse is a biological sensor that you wear on your forehead around your ears somewhat like that guy who can’t seem to get his glasses to go in front of his eyes. The starting Idea for this piece of tech was to use it to help you meditate or focus yourself by alerting you in a calm and relaxing manner. But this device can be used for so much more.

During a conference today at the sands expo hall I got to witness this bad boy in action relating to VR. At the moment all they had to show was an open world affected by the demonstrator’s thoughts and heart rate. In fact if you ever wanted to see your own heart beat this machine will do it for you in a weird jumble of shapes and items beating on the screen. Just when I was ready to walk away things got interesting. It turns out that the Muse can be used to measure the strain on your cognitive processes. Not only that this thing will literally tell if you are afraid and with the help of game developers the games will automatically use that to adjust your experience. Have you ever played a game that was supposed to scare the poop out of you but at best all it got was a dry fart? Consider that problem fixed. Muse will tell the game you aren’t enjoying it (freaked out) and the game will change tactics on you. Feeling like you need to rage quit because the ding dang thing won’t do what you tell it to do so it needs to stop? Muse can also tell that and help calm you down by easing the game up or throwing in some relaxing themes.

VR’s very own muse?

Unfortunately we don’t have a price for the VR muse accessory at this time. All we know is that it is a separate piece that can be added to your Vive or Oculus. And the price is supposed to be similar to the Muse for meditation. Guys having sat down and tried the muse for meditation I can tell you I’m one heck of a distracted guy. But the Muse has got me focused on one thing. The over whelming possibilities for VR games to become something we all want them to be: Worth playing.