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New Cozy Indie Potion Brewing Game THE MAGICAL MIXTURE MILL Out In Early Access

Indie developer Glowlight Games and publisher HOOK have just released their new automation-focused potion-brewing game The Magical Mixture Mill into Early Access on Steam. In The Magical Mixture Mill, budding potion mixers will be able to hone their skills in brewing potions and crafting massive automated assembly lines to brew more potions to sell at their potion shop to needy adventurers. After all who makes more cash in a fantasy world than a successful shopkeeper with all those crazy daredevil adventurers around?

The Magical Mixture Mill will bring a wholesome and quirky experience to players as they step up to bring the world-renowned ‘Griselda’s Magical Mixtures’ shop back to its former glory by helping its elderly, mushroom-loving owner. Players will dive face-first into a world of automated production lines, weirdly cheerful characters, and comedic events as they gather new ingredients, create strange and odd concoctions, and maximize potion potency for their loyal customers.

Explore the diverse biomes of the world as you collect new and exciting ingredients you will need, not only to create more powerful potions but to also upgrade your production line to make sure you’re never out of something a customer might want, after all the customer is always right! The cheerful, colorful, and comic world of The Magical Mixture Mill seems like an exciting addition to the automation and production genre, and a possible entry point for anyone new to it as well.

The Magical Mixture Mill is out now in Early Access via Steam.