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New Demo For QUIT TODAY Lets Players Begin A Resignation Adventure

I think it is safe to say that we have all, at one point in our lives, daydreamed about quitting a job we had in some sort of spectacular fashion. Indie developers YOHCAN Co. are looking to provide the experience of living out this dream of quitting in their upcoming game QUIT TODAY. In fact, they are giving players a chance to try out the experience today as they drop a free demo on Steam.

On a day that seemed to be a normal day at work, you get suddenly attacked by your colleagues at work since they think you are about to resign. To figure out what is happening, you will have to fight your way up and learn that the company you work for is corrupted. Now that you know, it is time to put in your resignation with the higher-ups, in person!

QUIT TODAY is a side-scrolling, 2D fighter that doesn’t have a set release date yet. This free demo will show what potential the game has though and is a good way to get some early impressions in for the game. Will you be playing this somewhat silly fighter game demo?