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New Roguelite/Farming Simulator ATOMICROPS Is Available Now In Early Access At A Special Discount

Well this is an interesting combination, roguelite, farming simulator, and the nuclear apocalypse. Say hello to Atomicrops the Harvest Moon meets Enter the Gungeon title you never knew you wanted. The story goes that you have just inhabited your uncle’s farm the same day the nuclear apocalypse has occurred. Now you are the last farmer in the world and must produce enough crops for the survival of mankind. Along the way you can explore the surrounding area to gather items to use on the farm and even get married to a fellow survivor. Oh you will also be fighting off copious amounts of mutated pesks!

Atomicrops has launched into early access today on the Epic Games Store with a special 50% discount until tomorrow morning at 7 AM PT. From there the discount will drop 10% each subsequent morning until it’s gone and Atomicrops will be at its full asking price of $14.99. If the title sounds intriguing check out the trailer above and hop in while you can save a few bucks!

What do you think of Atomicrops?