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New Turn Based Strategy Game TEARS OF AVIA Releases This Summer!

I’m in love with turn-based strategy games. I have been ever since I played Final Fantasy Tactics back on the PlayStation. I’ve played most of the major ones, but now there looks to be another game on the horizon that will draw my attention: Tears of Avia. This game is published by PQube games and developed by CooCooSqueaky and will release this summer on the Xbox One and the PC via Steam.

Judging by the announcement trailer, the game boasts some pretty great graphics and a story that did intrigue me. It’s set in a world named Estera, and the developer has stated that player choice and agency will play a heavy part in how the story unfolds, which always excites me. Additionally, there are 5 classes, over 100 combinable skills, and several characters. I’m looking forward to trying out the various skill combos. Stay tuned for more info!