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New VALORANT Agent Joins The Roster

In the latest update to Riot Games' popular FPS game Valorant, Episode 7: Act III introduces a new agent named Iso. This 24th addition to the roster is a Duelist character who brings a fresh and aggressive gameplay style.

Iso possesses two basic abilities, a signature ability, and an ultimate ability. The basic abilities are Contingency and Undercut. Contingency creates an energy-based indestructible wall that Iso can throw forward to block incoming bullets. Undercut, on the other hand, is a molecular bolt that can pass through solid objects and apply a brief vulnerable status effect to any enemies it hits.

Iso's signature ability, Double Tap, is especially interesting. When activated, it spawns an energy orb whenever Iso downs or kills an enemy. By shooting this orb, Iso can create a protective shield around themselves. I guess it’s time to dust off the ol’ Aimlabs for some target practice.

Finally, Iso's ultimate ability is truly unique and requires confidence to use effectively. It involves hurling a column of energy forward, which pulls in the first enemy hit along with Iso. Both Iso and the enemy are then transported to an interdimensional arena where they engage in a duel to the death.

With these exciting new abilities, Iso is sure to bring a thrilling gameplay experience to Valorant players. I for one am excited to see Iso in action at the Valorant Champions Tour.