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Newest Gaming Headset Drops At Affordable Price

Having trouble fully experiencing the truly awesome audio and music from your favorite games? There are a ton of great headsets on the market today including the newest addition to ThinkWrite Technologie’s collection, the new 250XG Victory Gaming Headset.

This brand-new headset offers enhanced levels of audio quality and a really great level of audio immersion that is generally reserved for more pricer headsets. You have access to full spectrum sound which is a big plus when playing competitive games and has unmatched voice connectivity for teammates and opponents. 

Luckily, these features are complimented by an over-the-ear design that doesn't awkwardly sit on your ear but encompasses it fully, making play much more comfortable. Personally, I think the design looks quite sleek and doesn't get in the way like some other bulkier headsets. 

Being at a rather reasonable price of $39.99 on Amazon, the 250XG Victory Gaming Headset is a really great option for those that want a high-quality piece of hardware while also not spending all their savings in one go. We can’t wait to get our hands on this headset and want to hear your thoughts down below in the comments. Is this a headset you would consider? Does the design hold up to others on the market? Let us know!