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Niantic Says POKEMON GO Update Not Coming Thursday, Will Make Announcement About New Pokemon December 12th

So that memo that leaked from Starbucks yesterday? It was legit, but it apparently didn't mean new Pokemon would be coming to Pokemon least not immediately. IGN reports Niantic released an official statement clarifying the situation and when we would see the new Pokemon in the game...

"The Pokémon Company International and Niantic, Inc. will reveal details on December 12 about the first addition of more Pokémon to Pokémon GO, one of the most popular mobile games of the year. Stay tuned, Trainers!"

As I mentioned yesterday, I think there's a good chance we're going to see these new Pokemon released as American kids get released for Winter break and family gathers for the holiday season. It's the easiest way to spread word and get people back to playing the game without spending money, so I'm pretty confident that's what they are going with. 

I'm not saying to not expect all the new Johto Pokemon December 12th...but I think they would've said the Pokemon were coming that day if they were releasing them that day. Are you going to jump back in when Niantic adds the new lineup? I would love to, but with Niantic blocking the ability to create Pokestops I have no way of obtaining Pokeballs in my area anymore!