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Nintendo Of Japan Discontinuing Wii Repair Services In March 2020

If you’re in Japan and your Wii is on the fritz, now is the time to send it to Nintendo. On January 27th, 2020, Nintendo of Japan announced that after March 31st 2020, they will no longer be accepting consoles for repairs due to “a shortage of parts”. They simply cannot be produced or obtained anymore.

Nintendo has some of the best customer service of any video game company out there. In the past, they have provided repair and replacement part services for consoles even a few years after their discontinuation. The news is mildly upsetting but understandable; the Wii was first released 13-going-on-14 years ago and had an extremely healthy 11-year production run, nearly twice as long as some other successful consoles.

Have you had technical issues with your Wii? Do you still enjoy playing Wii? Let us know before?