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Nintendo's Upcoming Games For 2020 Infographic Makes Me Happy To Be A Switch Owner!

Nintendo Switch has been a surprising console to me since its 2017 launch. I honestly wasn’t sure a Nintendo system could hold my attention the way the GameCube did way back whenever again. The Wii U came close but ultimately couldn’t keep me playing it for long. Switch though, I love playing games on Switch. I thought it would turn into another Wii U but the support the system has gotten since launch is astronomical! Everything from Indie to AAA releases are readily available with more being lumped onto the pile to make even the most die-hard collector sweat under the number of titles.

2020 is absolutely no exception and to showcase some of the upcoming releases Nintendo released the above infographic. On it, we can see some killer looking new games like Animal Crossing New Leaf, DOOM Eternal, and Bravely Default II. High profile remakes are also listed like Spongebob, Panzer Dragoon, Final Fantasy Crystal Chronicles, and Xenoblade Chronicles. 2020 will also see the portable outing of The Outer Worlds which I am stoked to explore! Sure not all of these games listed are exclusive to the Switch and will likely be considered inferior ports by many, but I am excited for them nonetheless. Portability of gaming has become huge for me and because of that, the Switch has taken over as one of my main systems.

I am excited to see that 2020 will continue the Switch’s momentum and I can’t wait to see what else the year has in store for our little portable that could! What games are you excited to pick up for Switch in 2020?