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OPINION: My Take On BlizzCon 2023 And The Future Of Blizzard Entertainment

Now that the BlizzCon 2023 dust has settled, the crowds subsided, and audience members are back to their exciting, totally-not-mundane lives outside of the fantasy worlds we all love and adore so much, I’d like to reflect back on my feelings on BlizzCon 2023 and the state of Blizzard as a whole. I will summarize my thoughts, feelings, opinions, and predictions in brief formatting as instead of pages of ramblings that nobody cares to read.

The Past

I’ve attended several BlizzCons in the past and overall, they’ve been exciting, engaging, and overall a true mecca for fans of all Blizzard IPs. Yes, of course, there has been ups (Diablo IV announcement at BlizzCon 2019) and some pretty low downs (Diablo Immortal announcement at BlizzCon 2018) but all in all, they’ve had heart. That’s more than a lot of other conventions and gaming conferences can claim. At BlizzCon 2019, the excitement was palpable, especially during that DIV trailer and announcement with an immediate rush to the DIV demo station. Also, it’s probably for the better that COVID postponed any in person events as they lined up with so many Kotick-related downs as well. A much needed break for sure but we still were left off a massive high that was BlizzCon 2019.

The Present

I had some pretty high hopes going into BlizzCon 2023 and in some ways, the event exceeded expectations. First off, the handling of everything media/press related was 10/10 outstanding. Between the arena, the press rooms, interviews, and more, it was a top-notch experience. Sadly, according to several general admission friends I have spoken with, the same cannot be said for them. Long lines, confusing security lines, and more really hindered their enjoyment overall.

Logistics aside, if you are a WoW fan, 2023 was like Christmas Morning. For better or for worse, it’s clear that WoW is currently Blizzard’s main focus. Most of the other franchises including Diablo, Hearthstone, Rumble, and Overwatch got some love but a lot of news was hazy at best and it left us with some massive holes that were hard to ignore. What is in the DIV expansion? What is the new class? Where is Starcraft III? Where is Warcraft IV? Where is WoW 2.0 that is needed so desperately after a 20-year run? Where is Heroes of the Storm? So many missed ops with only vague communication from Phil Spencer from Microsoft as he joined the stage.

The Future

Look, I have no magic 8 ball or crystal ball here but I do have some predictions based not only what I saw at BlizzCon 2023 but also what I felt as a member of the media and huge fan of Blizzard franchises as well. Overall, I think the future is bright for Blizzard as a whole, especially with Microsoft at the helm compared to Activision suits. Microsoft has a massive opportunity to turn hearts and minds back to old school levels of fandom if they listen to fans and go back to the roots of what made Blizzard explode in the first place.

In the end and to be fair, there is a ton of current and future content for most Blizzard franchises so we’ll have plenty to do for years to come. That was very apparent at BlizzCon. We’ve got Cata Classic coming, Season of Discovery, the new WoW expansions, Rumble, DIV Seasons and expansion, and even a Bounty Harvest event for Diablo Immortal just to mention a few. We modern gamers are just generally spoiled and impatient with recent comments from CEO Mike just confirming this.

With their future now in the hands of Microsoft, Blizzard is at a crossroads. Without further ado, let the speculation and recommendations begin:

  • It’s apparent that WoW is still a cash cow and the main focus for Blizzard. WoW is a fantastic series and one of my all time faves. While I love all the options coming for the WoW universe, Blizzard needs to give as much love, focus, and attention other franchises as well so they aren’t a one trick pony. Blizzard isn’t just a World of Warcraft company but it sure felt that way after this show.

  • Diablo IV and the series have a pretty bright future with a much-improved Season 2 and an expansion on the horizon but we needed more details on new classes, the expansion, etc. It felt odd compared next to the hours of details and content we got from the WoW universe. Itemization and endgame are the biggest things holding DIV back right now and Blizzard needs to massively improve on those items for Vessel of Hatred. Will they listen?

  • The fact that we are at the end of the year 2023 and there is no sign of Starcraft II or Warcraft IV is just insanity. I know Microsoft has talked about reviving a ton of Blizzard franchises but also hits the Activision catalog like Guitar Hero, the Sierra franchises, etc. It would be pure madness for Microsoft not to branch out and revive these classics.

  • Lastly, with the death of the Overwatch League and the treatment of Heroes of the Storm, there have been some huge competitive missteps as of late. Microsoft is either going to have to turn this around ASAP or watch Blizzard’s pillars shrink to mainly just WoW and a few other games as their only showcases. Look, mobile games are fine (Immortal gameplay was awesome, Rumble is as well) but this is the fan conference for mainly PC gamers and fans of Warcraft, Starcraft, Diablo, and more. It’s time to embrace the full games and sequels these series deserve and not just mobile spinoffs. Will Microsoft continue to let Blizzard go down this path or will they steer the ship in a much-needed direction to the days of old? Only time will tell.