Our First Taste of WARCRAFT III: REFORGED is Absolutely Delicious
Reforged Optimism
After seeing the WARCRAFT III: REFORGED announcement live one year ago at BlizzCon 2018, at the moment I was excited but a bit surprised that WCIII would be the first official title for the team at Blizzard in charge of remastered their classics. While of course, I would choose Diablo II: Remastered over anything, I was cautiously optimistic after playing the exclusive single player demo so many months ago. Now, invites are being sent out for the multiplayer beta and so far, I am lovin’ every minute of it.
Details abound in the completely overhauled character units and models. Delicious.
Honestly, I wasn’t expecting much from the MP beta as a whole but even with Humans vs Orcs being the only factions you can choose, I was immediately transported to RTS heaven that I haven’t visited in oh so many years. Finding a match only took a minute or so and even though I got absolutely wrecked by the Orc enemy, just hearing sound bites like “Job’s done.” by my peasants immediately transported me to a simpler time in life… in gaming as a whole and it felt amazing.
Old school gameplay and feel, 2019 polish and graphical options.
I had zero issues with chatting, playing (and losing) to my first opponent who reached out in chat and said he was from Germany. It was cool to connect via a simple 1v1 match to a human opponent who shared love for all things Warcraft. On that note, if you’ve only played WoW but never any of the original RTS games, you are in a for a treat. There is so much humor, lore, and goodness that we get to revisit all with a new graphical overhaul and polish. I simply cannot wait for the full release of Warcraft III: Reforged. Color me impressed!