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PAYDAY 3 Combat Galore In The Latest Developer Vlog

Starbreeze Studios has released another developer diary for their heist co-op action shooter, Payday 3. Starting off hot with some details on the game’s difficulty modes and enemy improvements, the video showcases a lot of bank robbin’ action in the heat of battle. Check out all the new improvements to combat in the video above.

Payday 3 will have four difficulty modes: Normal, Hard, Very Hard, and Overkill. Newcomers to the franchise should start on the Normal difficulty until they become acquainted with the Payday 3 systems. Hard is considered the “default” mode for Payday 3 and once a player finds the build they are most comfortable with, Very Hard will be the next step. Overkill is for the absolute most insane challenge the game can possibly offer. The good news is that the game does not buff enemy health bars and makes them bullet sponges for higher difficulties. Instead, it ups the ante by adding more enemies with deadlier accuracy.

The vlog also goes over the game’s various enemy types and all of the differences that have been made to them for this new entry. One new enemy type, the Nader, throws gas grenades at your squad which slowly drains health and disables your ability to sprint. This sounds like a very annoying enemy to deal with but the developers did mention that every enemy has a specific build that can counter their effects, so here is to hoping there is a gas mask option!

Also, gun progression will be a bit different in Payday 3 with a focus on a gun-specific progression. The more you use the gun, the more mods you can unlock for it. This is a bit of a controversial change, considering the departure from Payday 2, but maybe this will encourage players to try new weapons to find the best one for them.

Payday 3 is launching with full crossplay multiplayer on September 21 for PlayStation 5, Xbox Series X|S, and PC via Steam and EGS.