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Pixel Nostalgia Meets Fresh Anime Design In TOKOYO: THE TOWER OF PERPETUITY

Take on an ever-changing tower of grueling beasts and intense challenges in this newest indie pixel fight fest! PLAYISM has announced that TOKOYO: The Tower of Perpetuity is coming to the Nintendo Switch on June 2nd along with the Steam version coming out of Early Access on the same date. 

Developed by solo indie dev Saebashi, this new pixel dungeon crawler is a breath of fresh air in the current indie space. Combining the design languages of pixel art, rogue-like action with light social elements gives TOKOYO: The Tower of Perpetuity a new take on the fast-paced genre. 

Set in a tower that is changing every 24 hours into different procedurally generated dungeons, TOKOYO: The Tower of Perpetuity really lives up to the name. Different traps and gimmicks await you each day as you fight your way to the top, encountering monstrous boss battles along the way. As you die, you leave a tombstone and some last words for other players tackling the same journey. In contrast, the cute pixel anime art style is the perfect mix of pixel nostalgia and fresh designs.

We can't wait for the official release date and will be testing our mettle against the ever-changing tower! Are you looking forward to TOKOYO: The Tower of Perpetuity? Let us know below in the comments.