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Platform Your Way Through The Deep Sea In LUMIONE

Perfect World Games has announced that they are taking the platformer genre into the mysterious ocean depths. Working with developers Glimmer Studio, we will soon be able to enter the underwater world of Lumione. While there is no release date yet, they have already announced that it will be available on PC via Steam and Nintendo Switch once released.

In a deep-sea world that is shrouded in darkness, Glimmer goes on a journey in search of the Light. The people of the sea struggle in fear for all they have lost. This adventure will test his wit as he solves his way through challenging puzzle-like levels. Even so, learn from his failures and restore the Light of Hope to the seabed.

Seeing how the side-scrolling platform genre is one of my favorites, I am definitely interested in seeing if Lumione will end up being one worth its experience. For now, all we have are some interesting screenshots on the Steam page and the neat reveal trailer.