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Power Rangers - BATTLE FOR THE GRID League

Power Rangers: Battle for the Grid is a pretty underrated fighting game. It doesn’t have the same number of characters as some other fighting games, it’s a little bit on the low budget side of things, and yet the combat is very rewarding once you dig into it. As a long time Power Rangers and casual tokusatsu fan, I can’t help but get some child-like excitement when I see the outfits and helmets. As a moderate fan of the game, the kick I’ve thought it needed was some serious incentive for people to play the game competitively. After all, what makes the fighting game genre special is that a game is only as good as it’s community.

Developer nWay will be teaming up with 6 conventions at 6 cities (okay, they’re hitting Chicago twice) to promote organized play through tournaments: Chicago, IL; Atlanta, GA; San Jose, CA; Cherry Hill, NJ; Chicgao, IL (again) and finally, Orlando, FL in June. Check out the video above for more details!!