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NOTE FROM THE EDITOR: We here at GameTyrant were absolutely bombarded with a ton of games this past Holiday Season. So much so that we are still catching up! We will be rolling out select quick reviews to let our audience know about games and DLC that may have slipped under their radar. We appreciate the amazing support from all publishers and developers out there!

Skul: The Hero Slayer + DLC
Available: Now

SKUL! My new fave rogue-lite! Oh, how I love thee! With your lovely little pixely pixels, your incredible soundtrack, your witchy cats, and your cute little noggin, you’re the best. Don’t let the “indie” pixels and increasingly popular art style fool you into thinking this is another bit of Steam shovelware. It’s not. It’s good, really good. If you don’t at least get some joy and a smile out of this game, you must be dead inside.

No. Serious. This game is fantastic. Animation, sound, the musical score, this is this little game that could. Action, story, charm = top notch. SKUL!!

Kingpin: Reloaded
Available: Now

What do you get when you take a hardcore PC game from the Summer of 1999, barely add anything to it to improve, and release it in 2023? Well, you get a game that’s playable on a modern PC that looks and plays like a 24 year old 3d accelerated PC game. That’s not a compliment by the way.

Games that were in 3d from the late 90s are rarely easy on the eyes and Kingpin: Reloaded is as ugly as many the characters and script of this game. Cypress Hill? Check. Non-stop cringe F*$% bombs? Check. If you really wanna reply this game in modern times, be my guest but don’t say I didn’t warn ya!

BEAST: False Prophet
Available: In Early Access

Wanna beat up peasants, in a dark, gritty tactical turned-based RPG? Only on days that end in A-Y! Another “non cookie-cutter” entry into our quick review system, BEAST is about as unique as it gets. Yeah, it’s got some rough edges and some polish needed but it’s deep, it’s quirky AF but super solid for you hardcore gluttons for punishment tactical RPG folks.

Since it’s in Early Access, we are not gonna give it a score right now but if you like naked chicks, demons, dirty peasants, blunderbusses with some religion mixed in, this game is for you!

Fallout 76: Atlantic City
Available: Now

I don’t care what anyone says: Fallout 76 is REALLY good. Yeah yeah, I know it was a clunky fartfest on launch but hear me out, this game is so much better than at launch and this addon, makes another splash in this pond. Believe it or not, FO76 is getting more popular as time goes on and for good reason. Do I wish sometimes it was single player only, Fallout 5? Sure, who doesn’t but don’t miss out on a spectacular game that comes with optional multiplayer.

The Atlantic City bundle adds new factions, areas, and quest to an already-massive world. If you are a Fallout fan or newcomer alike, it’s time to give this sucka another chance!

Have A Nice Death
Available: Now

I love the subject of death mixed with humorous bits, stellar art design, and solid production values so naturally the roguelike Have A Nice Death is an absolute no brainer. It plays like a dream on PS5 and I can’t think of a better way to kick off the New Year than this little slice of heaven.

It’s no cakewalk but all your efforts always pay off with some hilarious bit and the polish on this game?! Chef’s kiss - Now, get out there and SLAY.