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QUIT TODAY First Impression: Fight For Your Right... To Resign!

Sometimes, games just need to be short, silly, and to the point. This is exactly what you get when you try out YOHCAN’s QUIT TODAY free demo on Steam. Simply given the premise that you head into work and all of your co-workers are expressing an angered resentment to you putting in your resignation and so they will do everything they can to stop you from quitting. The main problem is, you never put in your resignation! So, there’s only one way to figure out what’s really going on…


Starting off the game in your apartment with an interaction needed to simply wake up for the day and then feed your pet before you go definitely hints at this being a part of the game’s progress. While it isn’t very clear in the demo what role the apartment will truly play in the game, it is nice to have a proper start to a game like this before getting right into the action.

Once you are done with the few actions in the apartment, you simply cross the street - which is cleverly blocked by traffic that you will have to jump over, giving a quick tutorial on jumping and dashing - and then head into your work. The moment you step into the building, the action of the game begins.

As a sidescroller game, the combat is all done as a 2D fighter title and so you have your attack, block, and dash buttons to work with. After a quick fight in the lobby, a rare friendly NPC will tell you to head up to HR to find out what is happening and this is where the first level begins.

Levels are done in segments where you take the elevator, enter the new floor, fight your way through a room of enemies, take another elevator, and repeat until you fight through a room with a boss in it. After you clear each floor, you will be able to collect a power-up which will come in the form of two choices. You can check what each choice does before you select it, which I recommend as it will either be a slight upgrade to your combat or reactions.

If you take damage, you will lose a heart. To get health back, you simply eat or drink something, which typically is easy to find throughout the demo. If you do run out of hearts though, you will respawn at the beginning of that current floor in the elevator in order to try again.


Keeping the game as simple as it is, I am looking forward to seeing how the power-ups continue to build your character’s combat. I found myself picking the combat option mostly so that the combos would be greater and some special moves would be able to be thrown in the mix. With these stacking as you make your way through all of the floors in the entire business, the combat is sure to be quite intense for a 2D fighter.

I’m hoping there will be a way to obtain more hearts for your character. If we maintain the same health the whole way, that could become frustrating once the game starts to get actually challenging on the higher levels.


QUIT TODAY shows that sometimes simplicity in gameplay can actually be fun! I wasn’t expecting much of this game when I first downloaded the demo, but it turned out to be quite an entertaining playthrough experience. The demo itself was pretty short and based on the quick view of the level select menu, I am expecting this game to be short in itself, but it has the potential to be fun the whole way through. Entertainment value is always an important factor as a long game does not always mean a good one, so if short and simple is what makes this title great, then I hope they do just that.