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Release Date For OUT OF LINE Announced With Gameplay Trailer

Hand-drawn, puzzle-based side-scrolling game Out of Line is getting ready to launch on PC via Steam! After trying out an exclusive demo that Hatinh Interactive and Nerd Monkeys provided me, I already confirmed with my first impression that this game shows some promise - even if it was a bit on the easier side when it comes to the puzzle difficulties. But now the clock is ticking as the game will launch on June 23rd!

To help bring excitement around the launch day news, the team has put out a gameplay overview trailer. Curious players can check out some of the puzzles in action, get a first look at the art style, learn a bit about the story behind the game, and pretty much get properly acquainted with the spear tool that will be the base of the gameplay. Personally, I like it when developers do these videos because it hands you all the base knowledge you need before getting into a game without spoiling anything major.

Are you looking forward to a new puzzle game launch?