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Release Window Announced For FROSTPUNK 2

11 bit studios released a smash hit back in 2018 with Frostpunk. The cult classic city builder revealed a trailer for the sequel Frostpunk 2 at the PC Gaming Show. While the trailer was all cinematic, the gameplay isn’t expected to drastically change from the original game.

The story takes place 30 years after the original game where the city survived thanks to the warmth of the generator. Oppression and internal issues have clawed their way back to cause strife. This is all happening during a time of expansion for the people of the city. It seems the frost has been tamed. Will brutal human nature emerge after the bond of survival has grown obsolete?

Co-director and Design Director, Jakub Stokalskis has an answer:

“But this time the inner turmoils, sparked by rising social differences, mean that players will be facing new kinds of threats that are beyond the bare survival from the first game. We still use that post-apocalyptic, frozen setup, to tell a meaningful story about human ambition, societies striving for their ideas, and the consequences of hard decisions which are not always respected by everyone. Because ultimately, what can end us is not nature itself - it's human nature.”

Frostpunk 2 will be released for PC via Steam, GOG, and the Epic Games Store in 2024.

Top Image Source: Official Steam Page