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Renegade Game Studios Discount Tabletop Games To Make Social Distancing More Fun

The board game publisher has announced a sale for nine of their tabletop games that can be played solo, two-player, or with a family

With the spread of the pandemic, gaming is one way to pass the time and stay sane. Whether you’re a relative newcomer to board games or a veteran of the tabletop community, Renegade Game Studios wants to ensure that you have the best time in these exceptional times.

The publisher has a big catalog of games to choose from, but nine of their titles are on sale now for you to enjoy while staying home and practicing social distancing.

Here are the sales:

  • Games with solo-supported play

    • Circadians - First Light

    • Proving Grounds

    • Reykholt

  • Two-player games

    • Stellar

    • The Fox In The Forest Duet

    • Altiplano

  • Games for families (also with solo-supported play)

    • ClipCut Parks

    • Clank! In! Space!

    • The Aquicorn Cove Board Game

To get a full description of each game, how-to-play videos for easy learning, and an opportunity to buy during the sale, click here.

It’s a chance to play individually or with loved ones, so enjoy the sale while it lasts, and don’t stop gaming!

Let us know how you’re coping with social distancing in the comments.