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The popular series that surrounded the self-titled town of Silent Hill has been brought back in a new form of entertainment; a book series. The author, Shaun Jooste, created the beginning of the series with the first novel, Silent Hill Betrayal. Before I go any further, Jooste, who is the lead of the publishers Celenic Earth, had spoken with Konami about this series and they approved it to be created, so this is an official story created by a true fan of the game series.

Using a vast amount of weapons from the games, he has his main protagonist, Trevor, going through many scenarios within the infamous town. The story includes a vast of new creatures, puzzles, and it ingeniously uses the Halo of the Sun as a save point! There are a few well-known creatures, such as Nurses and Pyramid Head.

My favorite interpretation in the book was his idea of what Pyramid Head, the main and infamous creature in Silent Hill, and the times that he is encountered; it seemed surreal and fitting.

The whole story is accurate to the series in many aspects. The various creatures that Trevor started to recognize from his knowledge in mythology to the multiple different endings, featured in the Extended Edition, fit the style of the series reputation.

Aside from all that, it was a gripping story that kept me wanting to know what was next! The fights seemed to be written out in a realistic idea of the various creature encounters, using the iconic Halo of the Sun as a reincarnation emblem, and the deaths created more stress on the battles, as it added the fact the he could lose any encounter.

Jooste showed a detailed knowledge of the story and the functions within Silent Hill. He even has a character in the story tell Trevor all about the towns history, with detail.

The only issues I saw didn't have to do with the story at all. There were some typos and misspellings through the book.

I look forward to the next part of the series and can't wait to find out who is next and what is their connection to Silent Hill?

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