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Top Ten Oddest Yu-Gi-Oh Ritual Monsters by MrTopTenList

Besides the act of Fusion Summoning, the blue-walled Rituals were one of the earliest forms of alternative Summoning introduced in the Yu-Gi-Oh Card Game. Play a Ritual Magic Card — (now a Ritual Spell) — Tribute or discard the necessary Levels, and you’re ready to go with your big, bad Ritual Monster. But as with a lot of the mechanics from the early days of Yu-Gi-Oh, Ritual Summoning needed almost a decade to iron out the kinks in the game mechanics; almost none of them being viable in a competitive sense, sans Relinquished.

In the most recent video by MrTopTenList, Mr. T. and series regular co-hosts Judgment Meter and NegetiveX run down some of the odd cards to be produced during this early exploratory period such as Zera the Man and Hungry Burger (a dark horse fan favorite).

What are some of your favorite from this video? Any the crew missed? What are some of your favorite Yu-Gi-Oh Ritual Monsters? Let us know below!