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ROAD 96 Is Here!

Your choices matter in the newest game from DigixArt. Road 96 is now officially available to purchase on Playstation and Xbox consoles. After a long wait, we finally get our hands on this thrilling, Tarantino-inspired adventure that takes players on the road trip of their lives! From moment-to-moment action, a compelling story involving numerous well thought out characters and a sense of adventure rarely touched upon in the medium. 

Road 96 is a game that has been long-awaited by fans of the storytelling side of the gaming world. From its initial trailer, we saw an epic tale unfold that was set in reality while blowing expectations out of the water from the word go. Having your choices throughout the journey affect the route this story takes is something few games handle right and we truly cant wait to see what is awaiting us. In contrast to the saturated ’80s nostalgia pool of games that have come out in the last few years, Road 96 chooses to take us down a more '90s-inspired road with its soundtrack list and stunning visual style.

Road 96 is one of our big anticipated games and we can't wait to get our review out for you all to read! Be sure to check out the trailer above and let us know what paths you chose down in the comments below.