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Rogue-Lite Game DEATH'S DOOR Has Player's Reaping Souls As A Crow

Having the job of the grim reaper, but in bit more of a cartoon-like concept, is the main premise behind Acid Nerve’s soon-to-release game Death’s Door. Being published by Devolver Digital on PC via Steam, Xbox One, and Xbox Series X|S on July 20th, players will get to begin their soul collecting job. Reaping souls of the dead and punching a clock might get monotonous but it's honest work for a Crow.

After being sent out on a job to collect a large soul and nearly finishing the job, your assigned soul is stolen! Knowing that you can’t get another job started and you face dire consequences without your assigned soul, you must set out to find the thief who has stolen the soul from you. Just as you find the thief, you witness him send the soul to a realm beyond reach, damning you to the realm you’re in unless you can find a way to get inside the unreachable realm.

Death’s Door really does have more of a silly concept to it, especially with players having to run around as a crow throughout. But the gameplay shown in the trailer for this rogue-lite has definitely caught my attention, to say the least! What do you think of this semi-serious yet quirky title?