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RUGBY 22 Review: Another Ok Sports Title

Xbox Series X|S Review Key Provided By EKO Software

As a gamer that likes to play just about every genre, playing a new sports game in 2022 was on my bucket list. I’ve played an unlimited amount of racing titles, football, basketball, and even the occasional soccer game here and there over the course of my life but now was the perfect time to try something entirely new; Rugby 22. The game hits some highs and also lows but I can definitely say that heavy enthusiasts are going to find joy in the fact that a new rugby game has made its way onto consoles. Newbies beware though.


Probably the best part of Rugby 22 for me was the fluidity of its gameplay, in most cases. Going into mauls, rucks, or just even running the ball feels pretty satisfying. I like the fact that rugby is like football but with more real-time gameplay. There’s still that large amount of strategy but it demands to be done as quickly as possible.

There are plays to be made, techniques to be diligently used, and the strength of your body to use in order to forcibly move your team down the field. It’s definitely one of, if not the most demanding sport I’ve ever seen. And the fact of the matter is, it can also be fun to play even in a video game.

The big problem is if you don’t already have some sort of knowledge about the sport already then you are going to feel very lost in the shuffle. Sure, the game takes its time to teach you its gameplay mechanics and some rules of the game but there is far too much missing to truly get it all down.

As far as the mechanics go, there is something different at each point of play. The mauls, rucks, plays, kicks, and so on all have something going for them that allows for the gameplay to always be moving. There’s no downtime and that’s something that I really liked about it all.

The game also has quite a few modes to play such as quickplay, online multiplayer, campaign, and even leagues. The quickplay and online aspects are definitely the most shallow as you’re just carrying out a match either by yourself or with a real person going against you.

The campaign and league are where true fans of the game are going to have the most fun as it allows you to live out your rugby fantasy, sort of. I say sort of because it’s really just the same simulation-style crap that we’re seeing pop up in all sports games lately.

You have a season, you can manage your own team, compete in pre-season or season games, training, and the like. It’s cool to have and gives some kind of incentive to play it but it all just feels ho-hum in the grand scheme of things. I’m feeling like most sports games need to find a way to up the ante a bit more if they want to keep adding these team management mechanics.

Audio and Visuals

Where the game really falters is in its visual department. I wouldn’t say it’s the worst really but as the only representation for rugby on gaming platforms, it deserved better. Most character models look extremely identical and dated, textures are almost non-existent, and animations can look downright hilariously mediocre. The audio was alright though.


As a sports title, there is always going to be replayability to it. Though I’m not a die-hard for the sport, I could definitely see myself picking this up to play every so often just to pass 15 minutes or so. Serious fans of the sport though could really soar because it’s a decently good time all things considered.

What It Could Have Done Better

As I said, in the visual aspect of the game it could have been better. With it being the only rugby game available to play you’d think that they’d do a bit more to make the game look as best as they could. It doesn’t have to look like the latest Madden or 2K but come on.

I would’ve also appreciated a lot more info on how to actually play the game. football and basketball games don’t really have to teach you about the game because these are American sports. Rugby isn’t a huge deal in America so many of us really don’t know much about it. Giving us a bit of a field guide on how to play would’ve made my experience ten times better.


Rugby 22 is one of those games that only tries to appeal to its core player base, and to me, that’s always a loss. While you should definitely cater to those players, giving access to even more players to jump on board is always a way to increase your net’s cast.

With that being said, the game still has its weak points when it comes to the overall finished product. Primarily in its ugly and uninspired visuals and team management system. Though my experience with the game wasn’t the most positive in the world, I still came out of it learning more about a sport that I’m starting to really like, and that alone may be worth giving it a try.